Σάββατο 29 Μαΐου 2010
Γιατι ο κοσμος χρειαζεται τον Superman.
Δεκτον οτι ο Superman δεν υπαρχει ομως και μονο απο τα comic και τις ταινιες εκανε απιστευτη επιτυχια.Αυτος και καθε αλλος υπερηρωας που δημιουργηθηκε ποτε απο ανθρωπινη φαντασια.Ασχετα με το παρελθον που ειχε καθε υπερηρωας και την ζωη που εκανε ο κοσμος δεθηκε μαζι τους.Δεθηκε γιατι σε αυτους ο καθενας βρηκε την δικη του ελπιδα.Την ελπιδα οτι ασχετα με την καταγωγη του ο καθενας μπορει να γινει κατι ξεχωριστο και να πολεμησει για αυτο που πιστευη.Οτι ασχετα με το ποσο σκοτεινα ειχαν γινει τα πραγματα θα υπηρχε παντα καποιος που θα προσπαθουσε να βαλει ενα τελος στην αδικια εχοντας η οχι υπερδυναμεις.Θα υπηρχε παντα καποιος που θα αντιστεκονταν στο κακο και θα πολεμουσε στην πλευρα του καλου για να δημιουργησει εναν καλυτερο κοσμο.Βεβαια ολα αυτα βρισκονταν σε comic. Ομως ποσοι ανθρωποι εμπνευστηκαν απο αυτα τα comic και απο αυτους τους υπερηρωες;Ποσοι ανθρωποι θελησαν να γινουν οι ιδιοι υπερηρωες εστω και χωρις μυστικη ταυτοτητα και υπερδυναμεις;Και ποσοι απο αυτους λογο αυτης της επιλογης τους βρεθηκαν στο καταλληλο μερος την καταλληλη στιγμη για να βοηθησουν εναν συνανθρωπο και εσωσαν μια η και περισσοτερες ζωες εκπληρωναντας τα ονειρα τους, και γινονταν και αυτοι εστω για λιγο υπερηρωες. Αυτο που θελω να καταληξω ειναι οτι ο κοσμος δεν χρειαζεται καποιον υπερηρωα για να τον προστατεψει.Ο κοσμος χρειαζεται εναν υπερηρωα για να εμπνευση.Να εμπνευση τους ανθρωπους να γινουν καλυτεροι ακολουθοντας το παραδειγμα του.Να τους εμπνευση να αντιστεκονται στην αδικια, σε οποια μορφη μπορει να ειναι, και να παλευουν για τα ιδανικα τους.Να αγωνιζονται μεχρι το τελος για να πετυχουν.Ναι δεν υπαρχουν υπερκακοι με σατανικα σχεδια που θελουν να καταστρεψουν τον κοσμο (βεβαια για αυτο δεν ειμαι και τοσο σιγουρος) αλλα το κακο και η αδικια βρισκεται εκει εξω, στην καθημερηνοτητα μας.Και πρεπει να κανουμε κατι για αυτο οπως θα εκανε καθε υπερηρωας.Ο κοσμος χρειαζεται τους υπερηρωες.Χρειαζεται τον Superman. Χρειαζεται ενα συμβολο για να μπορει να θαυμαζει και να θελει να γινει σαν αυτο.Μονο ετσι θα αποδειξουμε σαν ανθρωποι τι πραγματικα αξιζουμε...
Παρασκευή 26 Μαρτίου 2010
Ιερα Πολης Μεσολογγιου
Αυτο που παντα θα αγαπω στο Μεσολογγι ειναι η ιστορια του ειδικα τον καιρο της εξοδου.
"Ακρα του ταφου σιωπη στον καμπο βασιλευει λαλει πουλι παιρνει σπυρι και η μανα το ζηλευει. Τα ματια η πεινα εμαυρισε στα ματια η μανα μνεει."
Και πως να μην υπαρχει νεκρικη σιωπη μεσα στο Μεσολογγι.Τους ειχε αποκαμει η πεινα τον καιρο που οι Τουρκοι τους πολιορκουσαν. Ομως δεν το εβαλαν κατω.Δεν παρεδωσαν τα οπλα τους. Σκοτωσαν και φαγαν οτι ζωντανο υπηρχε στη πολη και οταν πλεον δεν εμεινε τιποτα αλλο να φανε εμεναν νηστικοι μεχρι που δεν μπορουσαν πλεον ουτε να ανοιξουν τα ματια τους...
"Στεκει ο Σουλιωτης ο καλος παραμερα και κλαιει.Ερμο τουφεκι σκοτεινο τι σε 'χω εγω στο χερι οπου εσυ μου εγινες βαρυ και ο αγαρηνος το ξερη."
Εκλαιγε ο Σουλιωτης οπως και ολοι.Οχι γιατι ηξερε οτι θα πεθαινε ειτε απο την πεινα ειτε απο βολι αλλα γιατι πλεον δεν ειχε δυναμεις να πολεμησει.Καθε φορα που σηκωνε το τουφεκι του αυτο γινονταν ολο και πιο βαρυ και τα χερια του ετρεμαν.Δεν θα μπορουσε πια να προστατεψει το Μεσολογγι και οχι γιατι ηταν νεκρος αλλα γιατι πεινουσε...
Μεχρι που δεν αντεχαν αλλο πολεμησαν. Πολεμησαν μεχρι που τα χερια του να μην μπορουν να κρατησουν οπλο.Μεχρι που τα ματια τους δεν μπορουσαν να σημαδεψουν.Και στο τελος δεν απεμειναν να πεθανουν η να παραδωθουν.Αποφασισαν πως θα καναν την ηρωικη εξοδο και θα πολεμουσαν με οτι δυναμεις του ειχαν απομεινη για να παραμεινουν ελευθεροι.Και ετσι και εγινε.Βγηκαν εξω απο το Μεσολογγι και πεθαναν ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΙ και με το κεφαλι ψηλα.Ετσι ακριβως οπως εζησαν και πολεμησαν.Για αυτου η ησουν ελευθερος στη ζωη η ησουν ελευθερος στον θανατο.Δεν υπηρχε τιποτα αλλο...
Ισως το πιο σωστο πραγμα που εχει γραφτει ποτε για το Μεσολογγι ειναι αυτο που βλεπεις καθως μπαινεις μεσα στην πολη.
Τρίτη 23 Μαρτίου 2010
Final Fantasy VII - Loveless Poem read by Genesis
When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting
Act I
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest
Act II
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh
My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
Act IV
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honour remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world's end
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely
Act V (made by Genesis)
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice
Δευτέρα 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2010
Κατι που εγραφα ενω βαριομουν...
And so I raised into power and authority.Now I am one of the five lord of darkness. I fought my way up and I killed many, non that will e missed though.I have made friends and alliances. Many would think that inside the world of evil there can be no friendship but they are wrong. Friend will protect a friend will fear you respect you and trust you. A friend is no evil nor good. A friend is what you need him to be and he is by your side when you need him. I am not like the other dark lords, I don’t want to be like them they live only to kill destroy and plunder. I don’t find pleasure in any of these things. If I need to destroy I will destroy if I need to take something I will take it. But only if I need to. I rule but I try to rule as fair as I can. Some of my closest people ask me why I fight back this so called champion of good. Why don’t you join forces with him. And my answer is this. If someone wants to change the way this world lives and survives then he must destroy everything that holds this world back. Even if the other four lords were killed and good started to prevail again I wouldn’t know how to survive in it. Maybe I could try t live in that world but I wouldn’t be true to myself and to my beliefs. And this is the worst for me. |If he want to create a new world he must kill me too. Today the five lords have a meeting to decide what to do about this new army. I must attend too although I doubt I will agree to anything the will say. The oldest lord is Grammer. Lord of the north region. The only thing he desires is gold. He’s vault’s are full of it. After him is Terkon lord of the east region. He is one that desires power. He is the one that desires power. He thirst so much for power that he killed he’s mother, father and his brother and sisters to be the only heir to the throne. Next is Harkman lord of the center region that he’s only desire is to eat again and again with no stop. One of this day I wonder if he’s stomach is going to explode. And the youngest is Larken. He tasted power and went crazy. He’s followers became fanatic for power like him and soon they seized control of the south region with larken as thei lord. Every third day you find him in the slave market looking for a new slave girl for his bed. As for me I am Drago Merkarion lord of the west region.What I desire I do not know, what I like or what I lust I do not dare to ask. If you must know then I believe what I want from time to time is some peace and quiet…
We all gathered in the castle of Harkaman in the center region. We sat at the table of the five lords. The ancient table that existed since the creation of the kingdom of Eternal Land. Grammer rised and welcomed us.
- My fellow lords together we gathered here to confront a new threat. The people outside the East region started to revolve. They united under the calls of one man, a so called hero that fights for ideals and other nonsenses like that.
- And what seems to be the problem exactly? Asked Harkman, that again was eating.
- The problem , said Terkon, is that this small army is starting to become dangerous for us. They gain more and more followers and they start to grow really fast. They are defeating my soldiers.
- It seems that I didn’t use the correct words. I meant to say what do we care about your problems… Harkman said again.
Terkon stood up and pulled a dagger stabbing it through the food that Harkman was eating from. Harkman got so scared that he almost fell from his chair.
- You care because when he conquers the East region he will come after you.
Larken hit his hands on the table and yelled.
- Just give each of you a hundred of your best man and I will stop them to the ground.
- How are you going to do this? By not letting them pass over your own dead body? Said Grammer.
Larksen wanted to catch him by the neck and struggle him but he didn’t do it. For now... Grammer looked at me and asked.
- What do you say Merkarion?
I leaned back on my chair and looked at the four lords. My god what am I doing here with those idiots. The only one I had a little respect was Grammer and only for his age. But other than this… nothing.
- I say to join our forces make a stand in the main city of the East region. The attacks of this new army are focused only to the East region. We let them attack and take the villages until they reach to the castle town and there we can crush them.
- You want me to submit my land to them and risk my castle and my throne? Are you out of your mind? Terkon yelled.
Grammer thought of it for a moment and said.
- I agree with Merkarion. He s plan is good.
- I do not care. I will not risk my throne for nothing. I will stand alone in this fight.
- And you will lose your throne for sure… I said with calm voice.
- We will see about that. Said Terkon and left from the chamber full in anger.
- Terkon wait! yelled Grammer trying to stop him
But Terkon left without looking back
- That idiot. He will lose if he stands alone. said Larken.
- And what do we care. said Harkman
- Our power will be decreased. The one time we should be together and we fight like dogs instead. I said quietly.
- Terkon has left. We will send him some help with our troops and we will wait. If he is victorious all is well , but if he loses we must be ready to face that army. Said Grammer.
- Ok then I will go and get ready for war. After all Terkon will not survive a week. And Laskan left from the chamber with a crazy looking smile on his face.
- Harkman didn’t even bother to look at him as he was leaving. I didn’t give much attention either.
I looked at lord Gramm and asked.
- Lord Gramm do you need anything else?
- Yes Merkarion I would like to talk to you for a few minutes. Let us go outside.
We left the table and headed to the door and as we were walking outside Gramm said to Harkman
- I hope you choke you fat pig.
- Yeah, yeah… said Harkman between his bites.
I walked with lord Gramm at the halls of the castle heading to the stables to get our wagons and return to our regions
- So lord Gramm what did you wanted to talk me about?
Lord Gramm took a deep breath and talked.
- Merkarion I sense that we are in great danger.
- About this army in the east region?
- Yes. You know that when you give people hope and dreams they can fight more vicious than beasts. That scares me.
- I see. And what do you want us to do?
- Terkon will lose. He wont even accept our help. That fat pig inside the room wont even care if the army reaches in front of his gate, as long as he has food to eat.
- And what do you suggest?
- Well all its left is me and you. And Larken if you can count a crazy child as an ally. I guess he will help us either way. I suggest we leave Terkon and Harkman fall as we gather our forces to defend and perhaps strike.
- But the attacking army will probably grow as it passes from the east and center region.
- I know that is why we will use Larken and lead the attacking army to his region. There we set a trap and kill as many as we can. If they still are forces that remain we regroup and lead a final assault to kill the rest of them and put an end to this rebellion.
- I see. And we are left with south, east and center region…
- Yes. So what do you say?
- A good plan I agree. But we will have to act fast. The rebel army will attack and take east region in a matter of days. We must be ready before the attack in the center region begins.
- Correct.
We had reached our wagons and slaves waited us to leave. I walked with lord Gramm to his wagon and as he was getting in he said to me.
- Merkarion you are the only one I can trust and fight side by side. I hope there will be no backstabbing between us. At least not as long this war remains…
- There won’t be, lord Gramm.
That we said and he left for the north region and his castle. What did he say again? No backstabbing as long as this war remains. That meant that when the war ended he was going to attack me while my army was still weak and destroy me leaving him the only lord of darkness in the Lands of Eternity. So I had things to worry about. First and most urgent was to stop the marching army and second not to let lord Gramm kiil me…
I traveled back to my castle with my wagon from the center region and as I was passing through the villages of my region. I was watching the people I ruled and they were watching me back. Some of them bowed to me with an expression to their faces that can be called a smile, but that was only from the elder people. Most young ones would look at me with hate. I know i wasn’t a good ruler but I tried to be fair and just with the existing laws. Maybe the elders could see that, but the younger people hated the other lords and me as I was one of them. In their minds we represented evil and darkness. And they were probably right. I had killed, I had stealed and it was the only way to get where I am now. I am evil. And those who could still fight and thought I should be killed, they would join the new army and oppose me. So I must thing of a way to stop them at least until the plan with lord Gramm worked. And I need more army. Where could I find more army? Oh gods what a headache. I need some wine.
My wagon had reached outside my castle. Three servants came out of the castle door for me. One to open the wagon door and the castle door for me , one to lead the wagon to the stables and one for the errand I might needed. The last one was Tegar, a young boy, fast in legs but not very sharp in mind, found by a servant when he was a baby. They brought him to me and I gave them permission to raise him in the castle walls and they taught him to serve me. He came next to me and bowed.
- Hello Tegar.
- Goodevening my lord. Did the meeting with the other lords go well?
- It went as always…Tegar!
- Yes my lord?
- Please tell all the servants to go rest for the rest of the day and then you are free too after you have left me a bottle of wine in the dining room.
- Of course my lord thank you!! And he left.
I walked inside the halls if the castle untl I reached the dining room I walked to the fireplace next to the table where the bottle of wine waited me with a glass next to it. I opened the bottle and the sweet aroma of the wine speaded to the room. I pured some wine in the glass and placed the bottle back to the table. I brought the glass close to my nose and took a deep breath. Then I tasted one ship. Oh what a sweet taste. The fire was burning creating sparks that were dancing like fire fairies.
- So what should I do?
A hand travelled down from my shoulder to my chest. A soft touch from my wife Meriel
- Whats on your mind my lord.
- Meriel my love. It is nothing. Only matters of war.
- Matters of war? So this new army is still coming? And what will you do? What did you and the other lords decided?
- We decided to fight. It’s the only way to stop them.
Meriel came in front of me and kneeled with her hands holding my left arm.
- My lord I know that I have no authority to your kingdom but with the courage and the hope that I have a place to your heart I speak to you these words. Why do you wish to fight this army? Why do you not join him? I know that you fought your way to become a Lord of Darkeness by doing evil actions but you love and care for your people. Yes some times you are cruel but only because you have too why not fight to create a better and new world?
I stared her in their eyes for a few seconds I drank some wine and then looked in the fire.
- Meriel, I said and looked her in the eyes again, no matter what my actions are and I feel for my people or for you mean little. My whole life until now are based on what I learned as a child. The seeds of evil that planted in my heart so long ago have grown. Maybe they growed slow r even on a different way that they probably wanted but still they exist. If this new world is created then I cant be a part of it. It will go against my nature ad you know that this is the worsts for me.
- But you can change. You can become different. You already are different from the other lord of darkness.
- Meriel I cant just change because you want me too.
A childish happy voice suddenly yelled from the back of the room.
- Father , father you are here!!!!
I stood up and looked back where I saw my child toril running at me. I took him in my hug and raised him high.
- Toril my son. Did you miss me?
- Yes I did. Mama had me locked in the castle and didn’t let me get out. And it was very boring. Not much to play with…
- Its ok its for your own good. I promise you that tomorrow we will play with the horses. Now you must go and rest for tomorrow. Its late. Alright?
- Alright.
- Now go with your mother.
I gave him to Meriel and she took him to her hug. She looked me to eyes and told me.
- If you cant change for me then at least change for your son. For him to live in a safiest and better world.
Then she left. Those words stayed in my head but all I could think that moment was the plan I needed and my son provided me. Another proof that I was no good for this better world since I was thinking of war plans instead of my son. The plan was simple. I wouldn’t allow passage from my region to any other regions. That way all my people would stay in the west region by the fear of my guards and the prison cells. So at least until this new army could get inside the borders of my region no people of mine would reinforce it. I drunk the rest of the wine and I closed the bottle. After this night I had to think how to stop lord gramm from betraying me and to set up my defences for the possibility that his army reached at my walls. I started walking to my bedroom. The only thing I wanted for the moment was to sleep. And that I did…
A new day had come. I played with my son as I promised and watched him grow as he was riding slow on a small horse by its own. At some time of the day a messenger of the five regions arrived and delivered a message that the east region lord marched against this new army of rebels. That fool Tergan. He was marching to his death. He should have stayed behind his walls and fight there. In a few days the east region will fall. The rest of the day I met with my war generals and discussed of how we would fight. My army was big and well trained. My walls were strong and big. But if the army of rebels was able to get out of my walls then they will be great in numbers so we should set up some traps to decrease their numbers. We agreed to set pallsides at the gates and eguip spearmen with better spears. We had to reinforce our gates and outposts on the walls. We also had to prepare eguipments for boiling oil over the gates in case of rams. After we had finished with the castle we had to prepare some outposts in the region to destroy as many as we can before they reached the castletown. On top of that we had to plan our attack with lord Gramm. He already was planning on how to betray me. He wanted to use half of his army in the front line and the rest would wait further behind for a sudden attack. Yes of course. A sudden attack to my whole army that he suggested for me to use in the front lines. Well I had a few days to think before I answered. I was wondering… What did the officers of the attacking army were planning?